Our HOA, Champion Forest Fund, Inc. is a non-profit tax-exempt 501(c)4 corporation, chartered in the State of Texas, in northwest Harris County. The HOA was formed for the purpose of providing for the maintenance, preservation, and architectural control of the residential lots and the common property assets within the Champion Forest Subdivision (Sections 1-10) Klein, Texas and promoting the safety, health, and welfare of its residents. Directors of the Fund serve voluntarily on the Board and are elected by the homeowners, from the homeowners of Champion Forest. The annual assessment collected from each lot in the subdivision is assessed to cover the necessary expenses of the Fund as per the Deed Restrictions.
The Fund’s actions are governed by the:
The following contractors are in place to help us achieve our goals:
- Management Company – Associa PMG Houston – Administration – Admin, Deed Restriction Inspection, Billing & record-keeping assistance
- Cypress Creek Pest Control, Inc. – Subdivision Mosquito Control Spraying Weekly: Mid-March ~ Mid-November (Between midnight and dawn.)
- Monarch Landscape Management – Common Area Landscape Maintenance & Enhancement
- Flock – Automatic License Plate Reader camera system
- HoltTollett, P.C.– Legal Representation & Collections
- Nagesh & Carter, PLLC – Annual Audit & Tax Filing
Champion Forest:
Other neighborhood services and contact links:
- Water, Sewer & Trash & Recycle Collection, Constable Patrol is overseen or contracted for us by our Public Utility District, the Cypress Forest PUD. For information on how Texas Water Boards are created and their duties see the Texas Water Board Code Texas Water Districts: A General Guide
- Inframark – Contact them for mains water leaks or issues, mains sewer issues, and fire hydrant issues.
- Best Trash is contracted for our trash and recycling service. Contact them directly for service issues.
- Harris County Constables Precinct 4 – our contract constable patrols. Contact them for all security matters or concerns.
- Harris County Commissioners Precinct 3 maintains our roadways, bridges, and street drainage. Contact the county directly for all issues relating to roadways, bridges, and street drainage.
- Harris County Environmental Public Health Department – contact the HCHD to request assistance with a Neighborhood Nuisance issue.
- Centerpoint Energy maintains our streetlights, power grid and gas supply. Contact Centerpoint directly for issues relating to streetlights, electricity, and gas.
- Harris County Flood Control District maintains our flood channels and flood control system. Call on them for maintenance and repair of the channels and flooding questions. Tel: 346-286-4197
- Harris County Animal Control: Tel: 281-999-3191
Monthly Board Meetings
Board meetings are usually held on the 4th Tuesday of each month at 6 p.m. Virtually via Zoom or at our PUD Building, 16215 Champion Forest Drive
Check the website front page for updates and how to join.
Our meetings are conducted according to the parliamentary procedure of Robert’s Rules of Order as applicable to small boards. We strive to conduct business with efficiency and fairness and make governance decisions that support the strategic objectives of our association.
Property owners are welcome to attend meetings. We believe informed owners are the cornerstone to maintaining our subdivision in good standing and contribute to the success of our HOA. At the beginning of each meeting, there is a forum where an owner can address the board for a brief time. Time is limited and in order to get our business done in an orderly fashion, we restrict this time to a maximum of 3 minutes each. After that time the Board, their committees, and contractors will discuss the HOA business without interruption.
An owner’s concern can often be answered more quickly by emailing the Board or our Management Company. If an owner wishes to present a proposal or major suggestion to the entire Board, please contact the Board President at least a week in advance of the meeting date with details and, a request to be put on the meeting agenda.
Regular meeting agendas are published six days before each meeting. Minutes from regular meetings are approved at the next regular meeting and uploaded to our website documents page for reference.
Annual Meeting
The Annual Meeting and Board Election are typically held early in February at a designated location. Watch for your invitation in January.
Copies of Annual Meeting Documents, including the Budget and The Presentation are available on our Champion Forest homeowners private TownSq.
Champion Forest is a Deed Restricted Subdivision
All property within each Section (One through Ten) of Champion Forest subdivision is subject to applicable Deed Restrictions. When you purchased your property, you and all other property owners agreed to abide by the Deed Restrictions. A copy of the Deed Restrictions should have been provided to you by the Title Company as a part of your closing package. If you do not have a copy, you can download a copy and any associated amendments from this website document archive.
The Deed Restrictions benefit us all by helping maintain the quality of our Champion Forest subdivision, making it a safer, cleaner, and more attractive place to live. Please take the time to read them and understand how they affect you and your property. A violation of a deed restriction can cost you money. In Champion Forest, we wholeheartedly value and enforce our deed restrictions.
Homeowner Property Maintenance and Grounds Awareness Guidelines
Assessments are due January 1st – Late with a $50 penalty fee and 10% per annum interest accruing if payment is not RECEIVED by the 31st of January. A second late fee of $150 will be applied to assessments not paid by March 1st. Please pay promptly to avoid incurring these extra fees and legal collections action. Owners are responsible for ALL late fees, interest and legal charges incurred in the collections process.
The annual assessment amount is $250.00 per lot for 2025
Is your Assessment overdue?
The maintenance of our neighborhood, Champion Forest, is dependent on every property owner paying a portion of our joint expenses. As residents, we all benefit from services that enhance our community’s value. Services like our street lighting, mosquito control, common area landscaping, maintenance and irrigation, administration, and enforcement of our neighborhood covenants and standards are paid for directly by our annual association dues.
The responsibility to pay the periodic assessment lies with the property owner. Your HOA assessment is not escrowed with your mortgage, you should receive a bill to remind you to pay your assessment, but the ultimate responsibility to pay the assessment falls with the property owner. Property owners that don’t pay are subject to an automatic lien and legal enforcement action which includes incurring legal fees, the filing of a lien in the county records, and, ultimately, foreclosure.
If you have not paid your assessment, subsequent late fees, and interest, understand that you are in violation of the deed restrictions you agreed to at the time of purchase. Please pay it immediately to avoid significant penalties and legal complications and to support your community.
Our community’s quality and value depend on each of us doing our part.