Board Members


“Public service is core to the betterment of our society.”

The Board manages the common business of the association. The Board’s scope of authority and obligation to act on behalf of the association is granted by the governing documents and the law.

Powers granted by the governing documents and state law to the Board include:

    • The authority to set goals, standards, and policies for the association
    • Enforcing the governing documents
    • Maintaining the property
    • Maintaining the association’s financial stability
    • Purchasing adequate insurance
    • Entering into contracts for services
    • Creating and supervising committees
    • Conducting annual meetings and Board meetings

Your HOA Board of five serves voluntarily and is elected by the owners, from the owners of Champion Forest. We are here to conduct the business of the association helping maintain the quality and value of the Champion Forest subdivision. Regular Board Meetings are usually held on the fourth Tuesday of each month.

We need your help and feedback on issues in our subdivision, please use the contact form here to confidentially send us your concerns.

Elected, voting Board of Directors

President Mary Matthews (2025-27)
Vice President Bill Boyle (2025-27)
Treasurer Bruce Roloff (2024-26)
Director Charlie Hebert (2024-26)
Director Rick Mora (2025-27)

Board Committees

Budget Oversight Bill Boyle & Bruce Roloff
Forward Planning Bill Boyle & Mary Matthews
Landscape Management Bruce Roloff
Security Liaison Mary Matthews

Lead:  Mike Parsons of Estates at Windrush HOA

Community Liaison, Website Maintenance & Communications Mary Matthews

Special Committees:

Architectural Control Committee

Mark Warpmaeker, Allyson Rapacki & Bob Bruno

Wall & Hardscape Committee – The committee was established in 2020 to survey, plan and enact an ongoing plan of action for restoring and maintaining our community brick walls and hardscape.  Along with planning, the committee oversees works proposals and inspects and signs off on completed jobs.

Bill Boyle & Mary Matthews

Landscape Management Committee

Bruce Roloff

Deed Restriction Violation Follow Up Committee

The Board Team

Deed Restriction Amendment Committee

Signboard Committee – Oversee the HOA’s Signboards utilization and is assisting the board in developing a revision plan.

Mary Matthews & Tim Merritt

Monthly Board Meetings

Regular Board meetings are usually held on the 4th Tuesday of each month at 6 p.m. Virtually via Zoom or at our PUD Building, 16215 Champion Forest Drive 

Check the website front page for updates and how to join.

Our meetings are conducted according to the parliamentary procedure of Robert’s Rules of Order as applicable to small boards. We strive to conduct business with efficiency and fairness and make governance decisions that support the strategic objectives of our association.

Property owners are welcome to attend meetings. We believe informed owners are the cornerstone to maintaining our subdivision in good standing and contribute to the success of our HOA. At the beginning of each meeting, there is a forum where an owner can address the board for a brief time. Time is limited and in order to get our business done in an orderly fashion, we restrict this time to a maximum of 3 minutes each. After that time the Board, their committees, and contractors will discuss the HOA business without interruption.

An owner’s concern can often be answered more quickly by emailing the Board or our Management Company. If an owner wishes to present a proposal or major suggestion to the entire Board, please contact the Board President at least a week in advance of the meeting date with details and, a request to be put on the meeting agenda.

Regular meeting agendas are published six days before each meeting. Minutes from regular meetings are reviewed and accepted by the Board as soon as possible for prompt publication. They are uploaded to our website documents page for reference.

Annual Meeting

The Annual Meeting and Board Election are typically held in early February at a designated location. Watch for your invitation in January.

Copies of Annual Meeting Documents, The Budget and The Presentation are available on our Champion Forest homeowners private TownSq.