CF Connect is our email notification service
Sign up to receive our Champion Forest HOA updates, our PUD area Constable reports, and other timely, pertinent information.
- Haven’t signed up yet? Enter your email address into the sign-up box.
- You will need to enter your name and verifiable Champion Forest subdivsion street address.
- You must verify your subscription sign up by clicking on the automated verification email you will be sent.
- Not sure if you’re signed up already? Enter your email address into the sign-up box and we’ll check for you.
- Changed your email address, or other vital statistics since you signed up? Enter your email address into the sign-up box and you’ll be able to update your subscription.
- If you have stopped receiving CF Connect emails you will need to resubscribe with your Champion Forest address details.
- NOTE: This email list is exclusively for verifiable present Champion Forest 1-10 homeowners and our PUD area residents. All other subscribers will be deleted.